Journal of Mediterranean Cities: Announcements <p>"Journal of Mediterranean Cities" is dedicated to focusing on habitat studies and challenges facing our cities. The journal provides science-led strategic insight and guidance for sustainable and resilient cities, with a particular focus on the Mediterranean regions. Topics draw on scientific knowledge and research to make regional policies and practices as future-proof as possible. The Schools of Architecture and Urbanism are considered as potential driving forces and hubs for the profound science-led transformation and integration in the region, and thus, the Journal aims to bring together schools of Architecture and Urban Studies from different regions, in one platform.</p> en-US Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:37:09 +0300 OJS 60 The Journal of Mediterranean Cities Indexed by AcademIndex and Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals! <p>We are thrilled to announce that the Journal of Mediterranean Cities has been officially indexed by two prestigious academic databases - AcademIndex and the EuroPub Directory of Academic and Scientific Journals!</p> <p>This recognition is a testament to the quality and academic rigor of the research published in our journal. Being indexed by these renowned platforms will not only increase the visibility of our publication but also enhance the accessibility of valuable research on Mediterranean cities to a wider audience of scholars, researchers, and professionals in the field.</p> <p>Stay tuned for more groundbreaking research and insightful perspectives in the upcoming issues of the Journal of Mediterranean Cities!</p> Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:37:09 +0300 Announcement: Celebrating Academic Excellence in 2022! <p>The Journal of Mediterranean Cities is thrilled to announce and extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Ahmed S. Zaki for the outstanding achievement of having their article recognized as the **most viewed and downloaded article of Volume 2 2022 - to date**.</p> <p>In a year brimming with exceptional research and scholarly contributions, his work stood out for its innovative exploration of traditional architectural techniques in the context of modern environmental challenges. Their meticulous study on the *"Evaluation of the Wind Catcher in the Traditional Cairene Courtyard Houses' Integrated Passive System for Natural Ventilation and Cooling"* not only captivated our readers but also significantly enriched our understanding of sustainable architectural practices, especially in the context of Mediterranean cities.</p> <p>This achievement is a testament to Dr. Zaki's dedication, expertise, and commitment to advancing knowledge in the field of architecture and environmental science. Their work exemplifies the spirit of inquiry and excellence that we champion at the Journal of Mediterranean Cities.</p> <p>We extend our warmest congratulations once again to Dr. Ahmed S. Zaki for this remarkable accomplishment. We look forward to more groundbreaking research and insightful contributions from them and the entire academic community in the future.</p> <p>Read the article:<br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> <p> </p> Tue, 10 Oct 2023 15:37:43 +0300 (Vol.3 No.1) 2023 STILL OPEN FOR NEW SUBMISSIONS!! <p>We want to emphasize that the volume is still open for interested authors to submit their work. If you have groundbreaking research or insights to contribute to the field of urban planning, architecture, or related disciplines, we welcome your submissions.<br /><br />For submissions, please follow the instructions in the link below:<br /><a title="New Submission" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Tue, 10 Oct 2023 14:53:51 +0300 (Vol.3 No.1) 2023 NOW RELEASED! <p>This issue presents a collection of 8 articles addressing diverse topics related to urban environments. The articles focus on planning approaches aimed at enhancing air quality, the impact of climate on buildings, architectural styles and typologies, and urban ecology. Authored by experts from multiple countries, these articles provide valuable insights through case studies from at least 7 different nations. This issue offers a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of Mediterranean cities, making it an essential resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers alike.</p> Thu, 26 Jan 2023 19:45:03 +0300